Feeling extremely sick at the time of writing this. Please excuse any nonsense Coming from me ^_^'

HELLO "INTERNET" O_O... I honestly have no idea how to properly write a blog or what kind of things I can talk about, and honestly it scares me a bit. Aside from being afraid to expose myself to the prying eyes of people, I've also never been Good at writing long texts and sometimes i tend to Run out of things to say quickly. Either way, I don't think I will be updating this THAT often.

I guess this is also therapeutic in a way... i get to write about things i love, hate, loathe, like, adore and I will never know who's reading it or what they think about it.

My birthday happened exactly One(1) week ago (April 28th), and compared to previous birthdays I've had, this one was the most exciting and fulfilling so far. I don't like birthday parties, just thinking about organizing one and keeping your "Guests" engaged stresses me out. Luckily, i only went out with my loved ones to get burgers and ice cream.

I also got really Really awesome presents: Car Seat Headrest's Teens of Denial on vinyl and The Garden's Haha on CD, As well as concert tickets to see The Garden + The Spits in Florida.

In case it wasn't apparent yet, I'm a big Fan of both of these bands. I already owned Teens of Style, Twin Fantasy, and Making A Door Less Open on vinyl, so this was a great way to complete the studio album CSH Collection ^_^

Alongside these awesome gifts, my Wonderful and Awesome girlfriend gifted me The Beatles' Revolver on vinyl, a Radiohead t-shirt, and This little porcelain cat figurine (a beautiful piece of art made by Austrian artist Rosina Wachtmeister)

All in all, it was a really nice day. The weather was nice too. I'm very very thankful for these gifts, can't wait to see The Garden in june !!!!!!
Thank you for reading (whoever u are), take care and I hope I get to write about more trivial shit soon @_@